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Mission Statement: Transform the way youth impact the world.

The root of our mission is being able to provide children with the opportunity to engage in high-quality, character-building experiences that can forever change the trajectory of their lives.


Our hope is one day our organization will no longer be needed.


One day every child in Saline County will have access to high-quality experiences through recreational classes, sports teams, and extracurricular activities without regard

for financial or logistical constraints.

2023 Board of Directors

Leading the Way

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Brooke Plack

Andre Webster

jamey south

sharon short



Vice Chairman


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Leigh Ann Arey

Clark Ferguson

Dani Hardy

Preston Madison

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Jordan O'Roark

Tavonia Strickland

Kyle Ulmer

Danny Young


Committed to the Cause

Bekka Wilkerson - Executive Director



executive director

©2023 by the EMpact One Foundation

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